Blending intelligent sensors, cloud analytics, and bespoke hardware, AoAir aims to inform and protect in diverse settings, from industrial to recreational workspaces

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Independently validated by the Auckland University of technology to provide users with up to 50x better protection than market-leading air filter respirators, pollution masks and allergy masks.
Our proprietary D’Fend system and active nanofiltration has been designed from the molecular level to protect you and cleans >98% of the smallest particulate matter like PM2.5.
A Bluetooth brain constantly tracks your respiratory activity to adapts Atmōs’ performance to ensure you’re protected whatever you’re doing.
The Atmōs is a truly reusable mask for those seeking an alternative to the allergy mask, the antipollution mask, smoke protection.
Measuring level of polutance and breath analytics in industrial settings, Aō-Air is aiming to detect and prevent threats.
Aō-Air is measuring breathing patterns, aiming to detect optimal performance.